A light summer breeze blows through the newly opened noni boutique at the sight of the pastel bridesmaid dresses by our friend and wedding dress designer Sanna Lindström. Just as fresh as our new store concept in Cologne is her spring collection Blomma, which the Swedish designer has developed in the style of her home country. Flowing skirts made of delicate chiffon and shiny satin tops with fine lace characterize the feminine dresses for wedding guests.
They are also ideal as bridesmaids' dresses. The predominantly two-piece outfits represent "naturalness, individual beauty and versatility". Incidentally, the name Blomma is the Swedish word for flower and once again underlines the focus on particularly feminine silhouettes and harmonious, natural colors as a delicate complement to the bride's white dress.

Elegant dresses for the wedding
Find dresses for wedding guests in our store
Neben den schönen Zweiteilern von Sanna Lindström haben wir viele weitere elegante Kleider für Hochzeitsgäste, Brautjungfern, die Trauzeugin oder Brautmutter im Sortiment. Viel Spaß beim stöbern.